ENLYZE S7-Project-Explorer released as open-source

ENLYZE S7-Project-Explorer released as open-source

ENLYZE S7-Project-Explorer released as open-source

Colin Finck

Colin Finck

Colin Finck


Building ENLYZE

Building ENLYZE

Building ENLYZE





The automation industry is full of proprietary closed solutions, which ultimately thwart the Smart Factory (“Industry 4.0”) goal of open communication between machines.
To make a difference in this industry, ENLYZE is today releasing its S7-Project-Explorer to the general public as a free download. On top of this, we are also making the source code freely available to allow for maximum trust in our software and enable further development collaboratively in an open development process.

The S7-Project-Explorer has been used internally and by our partners for over 2 years to extract a list of variables of a Siemens STEP 7 project file for the popular S7-300/400 PLCs - and thereby make their process data available to Smart Factory applications.
You simply choose the input .s7p file, browse through the list of extracted variables, and then export it to a .csv file for Excel or post-processing in another application. None of these steps require a STEP 7 installation.

You can download the latest version of the S7-Project-Explorer here.
The software can be run on all Windows computers manufactured within the past 20 years.

The open-source code under the MIT license empowers everyone to study the functionality of our software and make improvements to the S7-Project-Explorer. You can also contribute any improvements back to us via GitHub, so that they can become part of the next S7-Project-Explorer release.

The S7-Project-Explorer is one of the many tools that ENLYZE has at hand for digitizing production equipment faster than any of our competitors. If you want to hear what we can do for your production plant, don’t hesitate to drop us a line.


The ENLYZE GmbH headquartered in Cologne, Germany is a vertically integrated Industry 4.0 Smart Factory solution provider. With its cloud platform tailored to the continuous manufacturing industry, it allows mid-sized companies to capture machine data from heterogeneous shopfloors, perform product-based analysis, and make results available to further systems. This enables ENLYZE customers to optimize production processes, digitize important process knowledge, and thereby significantly raise their OEE. With its full-service approach and in-house development of hardware and software, the ENLYZE platform can often be integrated 20x faster and at much lower cost than comparable platforms. For more information about ENLYZE, visit www.enlyze.com or write an e-mail to hello@enlyze.com.