Your tool for data-driven manufacturing

Your tool for data-driven manufacturing

Your tool for data-driven manufacturing

With ENLYZE you capture and analyze your manufacturing data. This way you control your production based on data rather than on gutfeeling.

With ENLYZE you capture and analyze your manufacturing data. This way you control your production based on data rather than on gutfeeling.

With ENLYZE you capture and analyze your manufacturing data. This way you control your production based on data rather than on gutfeeling.

Capture and analyze manufacturing data with ENLYZE

Would you like to see how exactly ENLYZE works? In our product tour, we'll give you a brief overview.

Production Data Acquisition

Modern production is controlled by data. With ENLYZE, you finally make your data accessible.

All manufacturing data in a single platform

With ENLYZE, you finally have your most important production data (machines, ERP, MES) in one place.

Real-time and historical data

For the creation of real-time dashboards or for the analysis of already completed orders.

integration in under two weeks

Access to your data without any IT major construction site.


Monitor the progress of your production at any time.

create custom dashboards

With the dashboard feature, you can easily transform your production data into dashboards with just a few clicks. You can display these on your desk, at the machine, or in the manufacturing hall.

Plant overview

With this, you will immediately see if there is a standstill or if your equipment is producing outside the target value for the respective order.

OEE Dashboard

Never again OEE Excel spreadsheets! With ENLYZE we automatically calculate the availability, performance, and quality based on machine data


Reports from your production data.


Capture every downtime based on machine data and use the report to determine how much time you are losing due to downtime and what reasons are responsible for it (Pareto Chart).


ENLYZE automatically calculates key figures for availability, performance, quality, and OEE based on your machine and product data.

Größte Verluste

Recognize your greatest potential for improvement and analyze the causes behind losses.

Process analysis

Capture process data and evaluate it as easily as never before.

visualize parameter curves

Was the tension too high? Did the temperature not stay in the target range long enough? With the visualization of parameter trends, you will find the answer.

compare orders with each other

Place parameter curves from multiple orders side by side. This way you can quickly understand why everything went well with one order, and not with another order.


Capture your downtimes automatically.

Automatic downtime detection

Manual recording of downtimes in the MES or ERP is prone to errors. With ENLYZE, you automatically capture downtimes to the second, based on your defined thresholds.

Find and fix the most common causes of downtime

For any detected downtime, a reason can be added via ENLYZE. This way, you always know the causes of unexpected downtime and can fix them.

Digital Process Guide

Manage settings centrally and digitally

recognize ideal settings data

Manage work instructions and process specifications centrally using the digital setup data sheet and distribute them efficiently to the entire workforce – for reproducible and error-free manufacturing.


Streamlined worker's assistance

The Co-Pilot provides the operator with all information from the Digital Process Guide and compares the specifications with live machine values. The operator has all manufacturing information in one place and can immediately intervene in the event of deviations.

Eletronic Batch Record

Every order digitally documented

Automatically record all important process data and compare with the specifications and limits for each order or batch.

Click through the features of ENLYZE

Data capture



Process analysis

Digital process guide


Eletronic batch record


Get your production data

Modern production is controlled by data. With ENLYZE, you finally make your data accessible.

All manufacturing data in one platform

With ENLYZE, you finally have your most important production data (machines, ERP, MES) in one place.

Real-time and historical data

For the creation of real-time dashboards or for the analysis of historic production runs.

integration in under two weeks

Access to your data without an IT mega project.

Capture and analyze manufacturing data with ENLYZE

Möchtest Du sehen, wie genau ENLYZE funktioniert? In unserer Produkt-Tour geben wir Dir einen kurzen Einblick.

So geht datenbasierte Fertigung

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

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Only available on desktop devices

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Personal Conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

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Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

Discover app functions

Only available on desktop devices

Best choice

Personal conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

Short tour of the product

Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

Discover app functions

Only available on desktop devices

Best choice

Personal conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

Short tour of the product