ENLYZE for quality management

ENLYZE for quality management

ENLYZE for quality management

Seamless traceability. With machine data.

Seamless traceability. With machine data.

Seamless traceability. With machine data.

What was the cause of the quality deviation in FA4711 8 weeks ago? Without data, questions like these become a scavenger hunt through the company.

What was the cause of the quality deviation in FA4711 8 weeks ago? Without data, questions like these become a scavenger hunt through the company.

What was the cause of the quality deviation in FA4711 8 weeks ago? Without data, questions like these become a scavenger hunt through the company.

Average data = average quality. Period.

Average data = average quality. Period.

Ensuring consistently high quality is difficult enough. But when it succeeds, customers are happy and come back. With seamless data recording, process conformity can be monitored at any time and deviations can be quickly reviewed.

This is how the complaint rate goes down to 0.

Ensuring consistently high quality is difficult enough. But when it succeeds, customers are happy and come back.

With seamless data recording, process conformity can be monitored at any time and deviations can be quickly reviewed. This is how the complaint rate goes down to 0.

This is how you ensure high product quality with ENLYZE

Linking quality, order, product, and process data

Instead of the time-consuming search for answers, you have all the order-related data in one place.

Simple traceability in case of complaints

With 24/7 data recording and unlimited storage, you can even handle ancient orders yourself.

Understanding and proactively preventing quality issues

The best mistake is the one that never happens. With ENLYZE, you can understand and prevent sources of errors.

Intuitive tool instead of digging through mountains of paper, searching through historic systems, and talking to the night shift personnel.

Simply enter the job name, get all relevant data, and save hours of searching and data gathering.

Capture and analyze manufacturing data with ENLYZE

Möchtest Du sehen, wie genau ENLYZE funktioniert? In unserer Produkt-Tour geben wir Dir einen kurzen Einblick.

So geht datenbasierte Fertigung

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The results speak for themselves.

ENLYZE pays off from the first month.

"The search function of ENLYZE allows me to easily and quickly analyze the process parameter history of the disputed batch in case of complaints. This way, I can quickly clarify whether the complaint is actually justified or due to incorrect storage, etc. on the customer's side.

Previously, such an analysis cost me several hours, today I don't need more than 10 minutes for it and can, if necessary, send the parameter history to the customer in order to provide full evidence. "

Quality manager, extrusion plant




additional raw profit
per year


Average performance improvement

10 t/a

Material savings through waste reduction

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Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

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Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

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Only available on desktop devices

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Personal conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

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Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

Discover app functions

Only available on desktop devices

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Personal conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

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