Digitization in production

OEE Dashboards: 4 Examples with Excel, PowerBI, Grafana & Co.

Fabian Wolf

Fabian Wolf










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Digitalization is not just a dream for the future, but already a reality today. For many companies, Industry 4.0 offers valuable potential to make their manufacturing more efficient and productive and to enable daily, continuous improvements in production processes.

But what exactly is digitalization and how can it improve production?

In this article, you will learn how digitalization enables the analysis and improvement of production processes and what critical voices there are about it.

What is digitalization?

In an increasingly digitalized world, it is becoming more and more important for companies to stay up-to-date in production as well. Digitalization allows production processes to be designed more flexibly and efficiently. The communication between the various departments of a company is also improved. Additionally, digitalization enables better monitoring and control of production operations.

How digitalization has changed production

Several years ago, manufacturing companies were still largely analog businesses. Production processes were controlled and monitored by humans, which often led to errors. The introduction of digital technologies in production has helped to reduce these errors.

Moreover, connected machines can now communicate with each other independently, ensuring a smooth manufacturing process. The quality of products has also improved significantly due to constant monitoring of production.

In particular, the planning and control of production have changed in recent years. Thanks to modern software solutions, it is now possible to accurately simulate production processes and find optimal solutions. Additionally, companies can better adapt their production processes to customer needs through digitalization. For example, individual customer requests can be taken into account and implemented.

However, digitalization also brings some challenges. For instance, manufacturing companies must adapt their IT infrastructure to the new requirements. Moreover, skilled employees are needed to operate and maintain the new technology and make the right decisions.

How can digitalization improve industrial manufacturing?

In recent years, digitalization has advanced in nearly all areas of life. Industrial manufacturing has also benefited from this development and is now significantly more efficient than it was a few years ago. A key reason for this is the availability of increasingly powerful computers and software that enable the control and optimization of complex processes.

In recent years, digitalization has advanced in nearly all areas of life. Industrial manufacturing has also benefited from this development and is now significantly more efficient than it was a few years ago. A key reason for this is the availability of increasingly powerful computers and software that enable the control and optimization of complex processes.

Digitalization in continuous manufacturing

In continuous manufacturing, products are made in a constant process. When it comes to digitalization in continuous manufacturing, the networking of extruders is becoming increasingly important.

Through the networking of devices, information can be exchanged more quickly. This allows production processes to be optimized and errors to be rectified more swiftly. Digitalization also enables better monitoring and control of extruders. Disruptions can be detected and addressed more rapidly.

Extruders are the key machines in continuous manufacturing: they break down material through a drum process and process it into a continuous product. Therefore, digitalizing the extruder optimizes the entire process. Production processes can be better monitored and controlled. The quality of the products can also be improved as a result.

Extruders that have been digitalized can, for instance, be controlled and monitored via a web-based user interface. This gives users a constant overview of the current status of production.

Plastic manufacturing and digitalization

One of the core industries of the German economy is the plastics industry. This industry produces more than 40 million tons of plastic products annually and employs over 400,000 people in Germany.

Digitalization can have a tremendous effect here: by networking machines and systems, production can be significantly more efficient.

Additionally, digitalization offers the opportunity to develop new business models—such as linking product information with the Internet of Things.

In plastic manufacturing, many different parameters must be considered to achieve an optimal result. Thanks to modern software, it is possible to analyze these parameters precisely, significantly increasing productivity. Additionally, through digitalization, error sources can also be identified and eliminated, leading to even higher product quality.

The usual challenges of digitalization in mid-sized manufacturing companies

Some mid-sized companies wonder how they can prepare their businesses for the future. However, the implementation of digitalization measures often fails due to the same hurdles. We would like to present the most common mistakes made during the introduction of new technologies.

A study by the Competence Center for SMEs 4.0 at the University of Stuttgart found that the implementation of digitalization measures in mid-sized companies often fails.

The main reasons for this are a lack of financial resources, insufficient technical expertise, and inadequate strategic planning.

Mid-sized companies face the challenge of adapting their business models to the digital world. This requires not only investments in new technologies but also a change in corporate culture and structures. However, often the necessary resources are lacking to successfully implement these changes.

Digitalization is not a self-runner and requires both financial and personnel effort. Many companies, however, underestimate the costs and effort involved in implementing new technologies. Moreover, there is often a lack of the necessary technical expertise to properly deploy and utilize the new systems.

Furthermore, successful digitalization is hardly possible without a clear strategy and planning. Often, attempts are made to simply copy digitalized solutions from other companies without first considering one’s own goals and requirements. This often leads to the new systems not meeting expectations and ultimately failing.

To ensure the success of implementing digitalization measures in mid-sized companies, it is therefore important to realistically assess costs and efforts as well as to have the necessary technical expertise and a clear strategy.

Main reasons for the failure of digitalization in mid-sized companies

A study by the Competence Center for SMEs 4.0 at the University of Stuttgart found that the implementation of digitalization measures in mid-sized companies often fails.

The main reasons are

  1. lack of financial resources

  2. lack of technical expertise, and

  3. inadequate strategic planning.